Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Resources: Authentic Assessment for Thematic Units

With Project-Based Learning you will want to include Authentic Assessments for the students work.   For best resources see below:

Formative Assessment  
What about assessment of learning? know that your students are learning... see motivation in their eyes...

... you feel excitement in the air...

you hear them say: “How cool”, “That was awesome” or “When are we doing this

again?” ... also know about the different skills your students are being exposed to and are practicing while doing their projects ... know that you are helping them learn differently than from a textbook... know that you are preparing them for a work environment where they are

expected to collaborate with colleagues and teams know that you are exposing them to a world, people and cultures beyond their horizon... know that you are broadening their perspectives, tolerance for someone who is different...

…but… what about formal assessment and documentation of this kind of learning?

 Summative Assessment


Comprehensive Site for Resources for Assessment Shrockguide Assessment and Rubrics

Many ready to use samples  Midlink NCSU Education - Rurbic Resources

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